Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Jordans Burial Ground

Members and Attenders of meetings that are part of Chilterns Area Meeting: Did you know that we have access to a beautiful Quaker burial ground in the area? 

Jordans Quaker Burial Ground is adjacent to the historic Jordans Meeting House, where William Penn and his family are buried. The burial ground was designed in the early 20th century by the Quaker architect Hubert Lidbetter (who also designed Friends' House and other meeting houses), its graves are arranged in a circle, which is meant to represent a Quaker meeting. It is a beautiful, serene place for Quakers to be buried or have their ashes scattered. And it is free to all members (Attenders pay just a small fee) of London West, North West London, and Chilterns Area Meetings.

For more details, see or contact the Advising Friend Janet May-Bowles at or on 01753 862 428.

Jordans Quaker Centre: Events Planned for 2018

Jordans Quaker Centre Events Planned for 2018

Sat. 24th March Workshop with Jennifer Kavanagh Unknowing. (Walking with a smile into the dark) 10 am – 4 pm

Sat. 14th April Digging the Dirt – Play and Supper; 6:30 pm

Penn300 Events - marking the tercentenary of William Penn's death

25th June – 30th July Penn300 Exhibition at Jordans

Wed. 27th June
Andrew Murphy – Supper and Talk. Andrew is currently writing a Penn biography

Sat. 21st July Nigel Pascoe - One Man Show. Performance of the Penn-Mead Trial

Sun. 29th July Baroc Music Concert & Refreshments; 3pm

Further details on these events will be made available soon.

Save the dates: June 30th, July 7th & July 15th – more Penn300 event details will follow shortly.

Sat. 29th September Quakers and Criminal Justice Workshop 10am – 4pm
For any enquiries : Ring 01494 876594 or email

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Jordans March/April 2018

Experiment with Light Group meetings will be held on 2nd and 4th Thursdays. PLEASE NOTE once we change to BST at the end of March, EwL meetings will again start at 6:30pm.

Thursday 22nd March: Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6.00pm. Everyone welcome.

Tuesday 3rd April: Poetry that Pleases: 11.00 – 12.15. Subject: TBA . All Welcome.

Thursday 12th April: Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6.30pm. Everyone welcome.

Thursday 26th April: Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6:30 pm. Everyone welcome.
Tuesday 1st May: Poetry that Pleases: 11.00 – 12.15. Subject: TBA All Welcome.

Aylesbury March/April 2018

Meetings for Worship take place in the Meeting House every Sunday at 10.45-11.45am except (usually) the first of the month, when we finish at 11.30 am, so that after a short break for refreshments we can accommodate our Meeting for Worship for Business starting at 12 noon.

*However, please note that since 1st April is Easter Sunday, although there will still be a Meeting for Worship then, the Business Meeting has been postponed until the following week (8th April), since many Friends and Attenders will have family commitments over Easter.

Our Experiment with Light takes place in the library at 9:45 am on the second Sunday of the month (8th April).

There is also an evening Meeting for Worship in the library at 7-7.30 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month (28th March / 25th April).

Amersham March/April 2018

Our Mid-Week Meeting for Worship is at 12:30 on the first Tuesday of every month, in the small meeting room at Amersham Meeting House, followed by a soup lunch. Next Meetings: 3rd April / 1st May
Sunday 19th April: Discussion group after Meeting for Worship, starting at 12:30. Topic tba. Bring sandwiches!

Sunday 20th May: Discussion group before Meeting for Worship, starting at 9:30. Topic tba

Sunday 17th June:  Discussion group after Meeting for Worship, starting at 12:30. Topic tba. Bring sandwiches!

Saturday 23rd June: Family Day in the Meadow. Details tba


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