Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Amersham Dec 2017 - Jan 2018

Our Mid-Week Meeting for Worship is at 12:30 on the first Tuesday of every month, in the small meeting room at Amersham Meeting House on 6th February / 6th March

Sunday 21st January First of three Open Discussion to consider challenges contained in the Epistle from Yearly Meeting Gathering: Working with Others. Starts 09:30. All Welcome.

Tuesday 23rd January Meeting to consider where we might go next with our Why Conflict? programme. 19:00 for 19:15 at the Meeting House.

Sunday 18th February Second of three Open Discussions to consider the challenges contained in the Epistle from Yearly Meeting Gathering. Topic: Acknowledging Our Privilege. Everyone welcome to take part. Starts at 12:45 after Meeting for Worship. Bring sandwiches!

Sunday 18th March Final of three Open Discussions to consider the challenges contained in the Epistle from Yearly Meeting Gathering. Topic: Supporter or Activist? Everyone welcome to take part. Time tbc.

Aylesbury Jan-Feb 2018

Meetings for Worship take place in the Meeting House every Sunday at 10.45-11.45am; the change of time is to meet the needs of those Friends who rely on public transport and have had to accommodate an alteration in bus timetables.

There is also an evening Meeting for Worship in the library at 7-7.30 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month (24th January/ 28th February), and our Experiment with Light also takes place in the library on the second Sunday of the month (11th February / 11th March).

Our Meetings for Worship for Business take place in the Meeting House at noon on 4th February/4th March after a shortened Meeting for Worship (10.45-11.30 am)

Midweek Meeting for Worship at Bourne End

We now have a new Midweek Meeting for Worship, to be held at Bourne End Community Centre on the first Monday of the month, under the auspices of High Wycombe Elders. This will be reviewed after March to decide if it will continue.

Monday 8th January Meeting for Worship at Bourne End Community Centre, starting 10am for 45 minutes 

Monday 5th February Meeting for Worship at Bourne End Community Centre, starting 10am for 45 minutes

Monday 5th March Meeting for Worship at Bourne End Community Centre, starting 10am for 45 minutes

Monday, 22 January 2018

High Wycombe March/April 2018

Everyone is most welcome to join us at any of the events listed. Please note all Monday evening meetings are now 7.15 pm for tea/coffee for 7.30 pm start. 

Meeting for Worship at Bourne End Community Centre, 1st Monday of the month, starting 10am for 45 minutes. Next ones: Monday 2nd April / Monday 7th May

Experiment with Light Group: 1st Monday of the month. 7.15 pm tea/coffee for a 7:30pm start. Next ones Monday Monday 2nd April / Monday 7th May

Discussion Group: 2nd Monday of the month from 7.15 pm for tea/coffee for a 7:30pm start. Finish 9.00 pm. Next ones Monday 9th April / Monday 14th May.

Circle of Light: 3rd Monday of the month. Guided healing, meditation and self nurture. 7:15pm tea/coffee for 7.30 pm start. Next ones Monday 16th Aprily / Monday 21st May.

Q Writers: writing for pleasure and publication: 3rd Tuesday of the month 10.00 am – 12.30 pm. Next ones Tuesday 17th April / Tuesday 15th May.

Criminal Justice System Worshop - Saturday 17th March

The postponed Criminal Justice System Workshop will now be held at High Wycombe Meeting House on Saturday 17th March, to be followed by shared lunch.

10:15 for a prompt start at 10.30 and a 12:30 finish. 

The programme will include feedback from the Crime & Community Justice Group about our comments on the Vision document; an overview of the current state of our criminal justice provision; our current involvement as an Area Meeting: Prison Chaplaincy, Restorative Justice, Circles of Support & Accountability, New Leaf Community Chaplaincy update on the housing concern; and last but not least thinking about ‘things we can do’ or ‘how can I be involved’?


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