Thursday, 7 December 2017

Jordans Jan - Feb 2018

Experiment with Light Group meetings will be held on 2nd and 4th Thursdays. PLEASE NOTE while we are on GMT, EwL meetings will start at 6:00pm.

Thursday 25th January Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6.00pm. Everyone welcome.

Tuesday 6th February Poetry that Pleases: 11.00 – 12.15. Subject: TBA Contact Jane Edmonds: 01494 672459. All Welcome.

Thursday 8th February Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6.00pm. Everyone welcome.

Thursday 22nd February Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6:00 pm. Everyone welcome.

Tuesday 6th March Poetry that Pleases: 11.00 – 12.15. Subject: TBA Contact Jane Edmonds: 01494 672459. All Welcome.

Thursday 8th March Experiment with Light group, a guided meditation based on early Quaker practice. 6.00pm. Everyone welcome.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Christmas Meetings for Worship


Sunday 24th December

Friends are invited to bring a poem, story, reading or carol with them and offer this in ministry if they feel moved to do so. The children will join us for the last part of the meeting.

Monday 25th December

The Meeting House will be open for a 45 minute Meeting for Worship, starting at 10.30am.


Saturday 16th December

Carols for all. Our singing will be accompanied by Jane Faulkner and mince pies and coffee will be served during the evening. Children are particularly invited.

Monday 25th December

10:30am, a semi-programmed Meeting for Worship with refreshments afterwards.


Monday 25th December

Chorleywood Meeting will hold Meeting for Worship at 10:30 am in the Chorleywood Arts Centre.

Other Meetings will hold regular Meetings for Worship on Sunday 24th December, but will not be open on Christmas Day.


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