Tuesday, 11 July 2017

The Walk in the Woods: A summer labyrinth workshop, Saturday 19 August 2017

 with Jan Sellers

Woods are places for exploration: their beauty, light and shadow can be places of deep quietness and healing. In the pastoral setting of Jordans Quaker Meeting House, we will connect with the natural world and bring our reflections to peaceful labyrinth walks indoors and outdoors. A labyrinth is not a maze: with just one path, it offers quiet, meditative space that can lead to fresh insights.This joint Jordans/Veriditas event is for all who would like to deepen their knowledge and understanding of labyrinths. It also serves as a Qualifying Workshop for those interested in training as a labyrinth facilitator with Veriditas.

Veriditas is an international, non-profit organisation committed to exploration of the labyrinth as a spiritual path, especially through training labyrinth facilitators. More at: www.veriditas.com

Jan Sellers, a Quaker and writer, leads retreats and labyrinth events for Woodbrooke, the Retreat Association, Veriditas and other organisations. Visit www.jansellers.com

9.30am for 10am start, ends 4pm with refreshments. Please bring a packed lunch.

Cost £35 concessions £20

Booking: office@jordansquakercentre.org

Visit www.jordansquakercentre.org

Telephone 01494 875694


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